Thursday, December 11, 2008

Katie McMahon Celtic Christmas Shows

Group shot with Katie after the O'Shaugnessy show
Quinn, Maeve, Sonja
Belinda Jensen and Corda Mor
Goofing around 'backstage at the Saturday morning Tv spot.
Me and Katie

Our school does Christmas shows with Katie McMahon, original voice of Riverdance. This year I got invited to be in the group. We did a show in Duluth and one at the O'Shaugnessy in St. Paul, also a TV spot on Kare11.
You notice the costumes...we didn't have to wear wigs (that's the best part!) and solo dresses. Katie prefers us to have more 'normal' outfits--a Christmas one for these shows and similar green/black costume for St. Pat's day shows.
These shows have been some of my favorite EVER! We had tons of fun.

(Katie's website: Listen to some of the cd samples--they're really good!)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Munson Flyers experience Oireachtas

Coming into our destination, Columbus, Ohio!
Going into Oireachtas Sunday Morning (by Escalator)
The "Treble Trio" Under 11s- after recall
After Award Ceremonies with Extremely Excellent Teachers
Sonja, Selena and Crystals

Our Oireachtas trip went extremely well! We stayed in LaCrosse Wednesday night and had thanksgiving Dinner with Granny and Grandpa. Thursday we traveled with them to Bloomington, Illinois and stayed overnight. We departed from granny & Grandpa and kept going to Columbus, Ohio, our destination, on Friday. There we crashed at our hotel…when we found it. We did a loop-de-loop around downtown before finding where we were. Saturday we got quite lost looking for a shopping mall. When we finally found it we went to Wal-Mart and Target. Then we went to the Hyatt (where the event was) and went shopping for a new wig for Sese. It’s very pretty! We watched a few of the group competitions and had a practice later that night, then got to bed early.

Sunday morning-the big day! We got our make up (Usually we don’t wear so much as we did this time, but the dancing was on big stages with big lights.) and wigs on, got the dresses, shoes and other things, and went to the Hyatt for our early morning warm up. After that and a few more makeup modifications (extremely pink blush), we all went to our first stage to get ready for our first round, the hardshoe round. I watched for a while (because I didn’t dance right away), warmed up with one of the teachers and then got backstage. I wasn’t really that nervous, but I did get really sweaty palms. Then I was on stage with the two other dancers (the same for Softshoe round but Set Dances go 1 at a time).
After the long three steps my mouth was as dry as sandpaper…but I thought I did really well and all of my teachers said I was really strong. Unfortunately, we missed Sese’s hardshoe round! A few people saw, thankfully. Then we went to our next stages for the softshoe round. Dad was doing something with Mom at Sese’s stage and I was dancing really soon so I had to run and get them. Mom was just mixed up, she thought Sese was # 15 and I was #22. (the wrong way around) So she ran back with me. I got dressed and ran backstage. I did just as good as a softshoe round, I guess. The floor was a little bit slippy, though, because it’s painted grey. (Why?) Everyone was able to see me, I guess. I think Sese went a little bit after me. I didn’t see it though.
After the two rounds, they announce the recall (the top best half of the group). If you get recalled you get to do your third round, the Set Dance. (You can do whatever set dance your teacher says. Mine is The Blue Eyed Rascal at Speed 109. There are others like Ace & Deuce, Three Sea Captains….) My recall was extremely late. I couldn’t stand the suspense, neither could Mama so we went out into the hall by our stuff. I was drinking some pop when some girls went running to the door. Finally it was starting.
You have to be very quiet during the recall so that people can hear the numbers they announce, if it is their dancers number or not. Mama and I ran into the room and just barely heard “-fteen.” Remember my number? I had made the recall!!!!!! So did the other two Under 11’s in our school, Maria and Quinn. We were in the hall and our other teacher called Fauna, who was with us. We had been so excited we had missed the Under 9 age group recall (Sese’s group). Cassie told Fauna that both the Under 9’s recalled! (Selena and Molly) Sese made such a surprised face. Then she stuck a few fingers in the side of her mouth. (BEWILDERED)
I got ready to do my set dance with Fauna. Then I did it! I’ve always done my set really strong but this was the strongest. After my wonderful Set we went to get our pictures professionally taken (there was a photo thing with the flash umbrellas and everything). They haven’t arrived yet…..I will surely post pictures of the pictures when they get here. Sese went and did her Set (all the teachers watched and said she did everything they practiced. Then we waited for a while and RESTED. And waited for Awards Ceremonies later that afternoon.
We went to the stage where they were (the biggest one that had bleachers on 3 sides of it) but they were still doing the Under 12 Set dances. We waited and waited and waited and waited with our friends……….But finally they started. But first they announced some of the VIP’s….and then they did the Traditional Set Competitions (where you just do one dance and just get a medal)…….but then they finally started with the Boys Under 8. Then the Girls Under 8. We had two dancers who got recalled in this group! (10th and 24th place.) Then the Boys Under 9. (Molly and Selena got their solo dresses on.) Then the Girls Under 9. Now how they do this is: they call up the top ten dancers, who don’t know their placements, just that they’re in the top ten, and then they start with last place and go up. Both Under 9’s held out for a long time! And “In 33rd place from the Corda Mor school, Selena Munson!” (then you go on stage take your crystal box and stand where you’re supposed to.) Everyone in the Corda Mor corner was cheering. Then “In 31st place from the Corda Mor school, Molly Hennessy!”

Then they came off stage and pictures happened….. I was already dressed because next was the Under 11 Boys. (Under 10’s were on another day.) I ran backstage. I was holding my breath when they started announcing. I wasn’t in the top ten (it was my first Oireachtas, for Heaven’s Sake), and I wasn’t in the Forties…..”In 37th place from the Corda Mor School competitor number 15, Sonja Munson!” That’s pretty good for your first Oireachtas!!
After taking pictures with our Crystal boxes, we went back to the Corda Mor Practice room, took off dresses and wigs, had a few more pictures…and went back to the hotel. And ordered a pizza. And watched Food Network.

Monday, November 10, 2008

New Kitten Fun!!!

One of Seamus's favorite toys
Seamus attacks my leg
Looking around
Seamus meets his Master

Forget what I said yesterday about getting the kitten after Oireachtas. We got him last night! We had such a fun time watching him explore his new surroundings. His routine is: eat. go to the bathroom. play. clean self. sleep. He slept all night. No meowing. When Sally first saw him, she hissed about four times, and growled loudly, so I took her away. Now she's more scared of him than angry. If she sees him, she'll run away! Now why would a three year old cat be scared of such a tiny little baby?
We're taking him to the vet this afternoon. He's very playful and sweet! I think he's going to go back to his old home and stay during our trip to Columbus- Sally will be ok here on her own. It was suggested that she went with Seamus, but no, she would definately run away. She does not like new people. And she's just shy of her new brother. I remind her how nice Sandy was to her when she came! All Sandy did was sit and look at her wide eyed for a while. But I think she'll make friends soon. She's just freaked out by the smell. "That's not Sandy!"
I liked all those other kittens too...(especially Vincenzo and Gordy, though I never met little G.) but I love Seamus the most! He has the most personality of all of them! He's such a cute little guy.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

We've found one!!!!

Yesterday, Isabel & Miranda performed at a benefit concert some friends were having. (Sese and I were at dance so we couldn't go.) One of the other families that were performing just had some kittens, they're keeping one but were giving a kitten for a donation they would give to the Nursing Home this whole thing was for. We found our kitten in this litter! He was cuddly and friendly and licked Izzy on the face. She is holding him in the picture above and the blond girl is holding him in the first picture. The other kitten's his sister. He will be named 'Seamus.' Sally and Seamus. We'll be getting him in a few weeks when we come back from the Oireachtas. (We don't want to leave a kitten practically alone for a very long time when it's still new to its surroundings. We did that with Sandy once and she got mad and made a mess all over.)
We may still get another cat...but we're not sure. Thanks for all the comments so far on the last post! It seems Baker's a favorite. What do you think of this one?? ;)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008



Kitten family! Black: Lily. Orange middle: Sam. Buff: Romeo.

You all have probably all heard the sad news about Sandy. :( But we've had a lot of fun kitten hunting this past week!
This Saturday, Mom, Sese and I went to the Animal Shelter in New Market- also a feed store. There were cats waiting to be adopted EVERYWHERE. And they all wanted attention! The one we came to see was Vincenzo. He's a baby boy kitten. He was friendly, cuddly, and playful! He actually came running to us when we came up to him. We would have taken him home right then but there was another family who was interested in him as well-and they were first in line!! He can't come for 3 weeks anyway since he has to be neutered but wish us luck on that one! He's our favorite favorite.

Later that day all of us went to see the family above. We especially wanted Sam...all of them were so adorable! But they were so busy! When they were awake, they were running around and playing...and we need a cuddle cat. Also, Sammy had a little cold and we don't want a sick cat either.

We just found Gordy and Pumpkin on the Pet finder website today. I hope we can visit them soon! We'd get both of them if we liked their personality.
Baker's adorable too, isn't he? Please leave a comment! Tell us which is your favorite kitten!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sucess at the Minnesota Feis!!!

We're a Feising Family
Fauna and Me
School picture
CD cover!!

WOW! It's been a really long time since I've blogged! Since last post, we've had Auntie Liz from CA, an adventure right before MN feis, and a lot of room changing-around. I'll start with
Thursday, the 25th of Sep.: I wake up in the morning feeling sick. I was in bed with some kind of flu and tummyache for the whole day.
Friday, the 26th: My stomach didn't feel much better. I was really worried I wouldn't be able to dance. Also Grandma and Grandpa (and Rooky the Big Brown Dog) came to stay overnight and see a little bit of the dancing next day. (Rooky did not come. He stayed in the car.)
Saturday, the 27th: DAY OF THE FEIS!!! I felt a little better but still pretty rotten! I didn't put on my wig, I just got dressed. Mama said that I didn't have to go if I really didn't want to, but I did want to so I did. We got there and seeing friends and being around people perked me up a lot. After a while I lost my dizziness and most of my 'ache, so mom put my wig on. Reel and Slip Jig (softshoe) felt too jiggly-joggly, but I did Light Jig for a warm up, and rested...then Daddy told me I got 1st in Jig so I went and collected my trophy (they had trophies for Prizewinner at this feis), and kept resting until Treble Jig. So I did that...and rested...and when I was dressed and ready for Hornpipe (the one I needed to qualify in!), Daddy told me I got 1st in Treble Jig! So that encouraged me a little to do well in my next dance. I got some last minute advice from my teacher...and then I was up! I was one of the first two to dance (I went with an O'Shea girl, Meghan), and I did everything Fauna (teacher) told me to! I turned out and was so 'mad at the floor'/loud, after I was done my legs just felt like rubber, and my mouth was all dry!! It was kind of strange because when you were on the stage, the sounds were kind of shriller than a ways away, so I was a little surprised when my other teacher (Cassie) said that it was amazingly loud (louder than I had ever been--'loud' is one of my weaknesses in Hardshoe. =))! Well, I got out of my dress, and went to collect my Treble Jig trophy. I hadn't checked Hornpipe yet because it was the very end of the day and practically everyone was at the results. But as I was nearing the line to get medals/trophies, Sese (who I guess is very small and can fit into tight places-you had to be to fit in that crowd) came running. "YOU QUALIFIED! YOU QUALIFIED!!" I was jumping up and down!! Those were some of the best most exciting words I had ever heard! I ran to Fauna and Cassie, they were so happy!! So we are officially going. Sese has been officially invited, and I have officially qualified. So we are officially going to dance at the Oireachtas (A-rock-tus) this Thanksgiving weekend! I can't wait!
Here's all the results:
Light Jig 1st
Treble Jig 1st
Hornpipe 2nd (Meghan beat me! She's really good at Hornpipe.)
(sat out of Reel and Slip Jig)
Reel 1st
Light Jig 2nd
Slip Jig 2nd
Treble Jig 2nd
Hornpipe 2nd
Reel 1st
Light Jig 1st
Slip Jig 1st
Hornpipe 2nd
Reel 2nd
Light Jig 3rd
Slip Jig 3rd
Hornpipe 1st

Mama took our pictures at the park by our house about a week ago. The one of all of us is the 'cd cover'!
Whoever has been to our house, we've been seriously moving around! Sese and me (who had shared a room) wanted to have our own bedrooms, so I went downstairs to the 'office', Sese has Izzy & Meema's room, and they have our old room. I'll take some pictures and post them...
All for now! ~Sonja

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Iowa State Feis and other things...

Felicity and me
County Courthouse

Sandy Kitty

We've been really busy lately! I'll start with the Iowa State Feis report:
We drove down Friday morning and stopped twice. It was a 6 hour drive. It took soooooooooo long! It was awful! Well, when we FINALLY got there, we went swimming. It was the tiniest pool imaginable! And the hot tub was teeny-tiny! We ate at the hotel restaurant. I had so much food, I was feeling sick when we left, but when we went out for a quick walk, my stomach really started acting up. I felt really icky so we had to go back to our room, where we watched a home designer show. After a while, we went to register; unfourtunately, they didn't let you in to see the place. Oh well. There were a lot of weird things at that hotel, when we went to bed there was a smell of smoke coming up through our bathroom air vent. (G-pop: It isn't a pleasant smell when trying to sleep, no matter what else it may be at other times!) Well: the next morning, we got up, ate breakfast at the restaurant, got wigs on (thankfully Mom only had to do two--Izzy and Miranda didn't dance at this one.), and walked across the street to the Ice arena.
After warming up, I got dressed, went to my stage, and found my friend Madi, who is in my age and level. First was Reel. I thought I didn't do it very well! I almost bumped into a girl and Madi fell down! And we were all crowded. The judge made us dance 3 at a time, but thankfully only for this!

I did the best Slip Jig I ever did in my life!! We got to go two at a time for this (thankfully!). I was very pleased with my dancing.

Treble Jig: Very good! I had my favorite judge ever.

Hornpipe: Just as well, but my favorite judge switched places with someone else right before my dance!!!!!

I made a lot of new friends waiting in line! We talked about dresses and schools a lot.

We went over to Sese's stage just in time to see her Slip Jig. After she danced, Mom went to look at Results with me:
Reel: 4th
Slip Jig: Nothing. And I did it so good! I guess there were more good Slip Jiggers than Reelers etc
Treble Jig: 1st!!!!!!!!!!! And they had little trophies (see picture)!!
Hornpipe: 4th. Rats! one more higher placement and I would be qualified for Oireachtas (regionals). For those of you who don't know, in my level you have to qualify for the Oireachtas by getting a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in every dance. I'm working really hard for my last feis (in a few weeks) so that I can qualify!

Sese did very well- she had a little mistake in her Treble Jig but got right back on. She got:
1st: Jig
2nd: Reel
2nd: Treble Jig (She would have got 1st if it wouldn't have been for her break!)
3rd: Slip Jig
4th: Hornpipe

Dad, Izzy and Miranda had packed everything besides feis stuff before we left, so we went to the car, took off our wigs, and got driving. We stopped twice along the way- for McD's and Gas.
You might know from Dad's blog that he got food poisoning. He had to stay home the next two days because he felt so yuck.
I had a little bit of what Daddy did, but definately not that bad!

Well, it was a very long trip. It seemed MUCH longer coming home...I wonder why it seems to not take that long when you're going somewhere but then when you come back it takes way longer? Maybe because on the way back it's not as exciting, you're familiar with where you are.

The last picture of Sandy Mama took a few days ago. Isn't she an adorable baby!!?
Coming soon....Auntie Liz's trip to MN

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Broadwater Days 5-8

Me & Lucette- Paul Bunyan's Sweetheart
Anyone know why her skirt's so weirdly shaped?
Swimming through the weeds to get from the AquaJump to the shore!! Blech!
On the boat with Granny
Slumber Party night!!!!!!!

Day 5, Wednesday, August 27:
-We look for the medallion in the morning- the clue is 'I live in a circle.' We look with G-Pop in ALL of the little rock circles, Garden circles, EVERY CIRCLE! Grandpa even dug through the plants!! And we didn't find anything!!
-We went to Seclusion (one of the cabins a little ways away then the rest--we get to stay there next year!!)
-Uncle Howard comes back from town with bows and arrows for our Indian playing!!
-The Stetzlers (very old family friends) come and immediately go fishing.
-They come back and we have news that Mr.Munson/Daddy/Uncle Reed has caught a 23 inch Northern but got the hook stuck in his his finger!!! Mama had to take him to the clinic in town where he had it removed.
-We sat around, ate laffy taffy, and read some very old Mickey Mouse comic books.
-After this, a (seemingly) peaceful afternoon turned into a horror movie as we (Mathias, Sese, Izzy, Miranda, Sophie and me) were chased ALL OVER CREATION by the bully and his brother! They were beating up Mathias (at least they THOUGHT they were-what can five and four year olds do to a kid who's two heads taller than them?) at the main lodge, but Sese went and got Mama and she told them to leave us alone. Thankfully, that was the end of them!!!!
-Nothing else really happened...
Day 6, Thursday, August 28:
-We go to the lodge first thing (Georgie, Sese, Izzy, Miranda and me), but this other girl and her sister came at the same time. The guy put out the clue, it was: "I can see Northern Lights."
That's the name of one of the cabins. I had to think a moment to remember that, but the other girl LIVED at Northern Lights, so she was running there before I was. It was like a race!! I was three feet behind her! But she got there first. It was in a hosta plant in a circle (clue #3- I live in a circle) under a pole (clue #2- Am like a tree) that had a birdhouse on it (clue #1-Hanger is somewhat like I am). And Gpop had looked through all the circles!! Dug through all the plants! (He and Mathias are convinced that the guy who owns the place must hide it the third night, but I don't think we should expect it-even though it's probable.)
-Dance practice and go to town!! We ate at the Sweets Cafe in Hackensack, played at the huge playground in the city park, got laundry done, and got souvies.
Day 7, Friday, August 29:
-Pretty regular day...
-SLUMBER PARTY NIGHT!!! We ate Root beer barrels, Lemon Drops, Licorice, Pink mints and lots of popcorn AS WE HAD Sody-pop and watched the movies. The shorts were two Little Rascals (Divot Diggers and Spanky) and the feature presentation was Abbot & Costello's Jack and the Beanstalk!! It's so funny!! Well after it was done and we were tucked in, we only told two stories and then were to tired to go on!
Day 8, Saturday, August 30:
-Daddy made pancakes for breakfast
-We had the Munson Family Circus!! Stay tuned for more, at the moment I'm not at liberty to tell all of the acts.
-We get packed-this process always takes a long time!!
-Everyone comes into town for lunch again at the Sweets Cafe!
-We have the big farewell (but also see-you-in-two-weeks...I'll explain later.) at the big city park!

We got home at about 7pm. The cats were so glad to see us! The see-you-in-two-weeks business was because my Aunt Liz came up from California for a business conference! She arrived last night, and on Sunday we're having another family gathering at Aunt Em's house. Posts about that will come soon! Next post: Iowa Feis!!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Broadwater Days 1-4

"Picture Rock"
Making 'Softy-grungy' (invented by Sophie)
Sonja & Sophie

The One fish I caught (12 inches!)
Okay, here goes on the Broadwater Reports:
Day 1, Saturday, August 23:
-We arrive, greet family, get used to our surroundings, and dance. We stayed in the cabin 'The Chalet.'
-We eat supper and play Indians on the large wooded hill next to the cabin with 6 year old Sophie and identical twin brothers Hankie and Georgie, almost 4 years old.
Day 2, Sunday, August 24:
-We leave for church an hour and a half early, so we go back to the cabin.
-We leave for church at the right time!!
-We have a good time at church!
-Dancing, lunch, starting our art lessons in painting 'treasure boxes' that Granny got for us-she taught the lessons too
-BEACH TIME!!!!!! Kayaking, playing in sand, swimming...
-Supper of steaks made by experienced cook, Uncle Howard Jr. ... YUM!!
Day 3, Monday, August 25:
-The search for the gold medallion begins (a fun thing for kids to do-you get a new clue every day and whoever finds it gets $15 worth of merchandise from the main lodge store.
-Clue #1 was: 'Hanger is something like I am.' Sophie suggested a clothesline, but we (Sophie, 10 year old Mathias and me) looked around all of them and didn't find anything.
-Cousin Henning (age 12) rather foolishly goes kayaking all the way across the bay of where our lodge was WITHOUT A LIFE JACKET!!!! Yikes!
-Uneventful afternoon- lots of walks and playing at the playground...well, it was uneventful until a bratty, bullying boy starting being rude and mean to us girls (Sophie, Isabel, Sese, and I) and little Georgie. We went home after that.
-Supper and then a nice boat ride.
-Fishing-catching nothing.
Day 4, Tuesday, August 26:
-Clue of the Day: 'Am somewhat like a tree.' G-Pop'/Grandpa Howard thinks of a basketball hoop, as it's like a tree and has a net hanging from it. I also thought it might be the playground, as it has a sign on it that says 'the Treehouse' and has swings hanging from it. No luck finding it though.
-Just when I had finished dancing, everyone (who had been on a walk) came screaming up to the cabin, they had found a little gold coin thing on a post by a wood pile. Uncle Howard thought all the clues went, but when we went to get our candy, the owner said, "nope, that's not the right one." Rats! So disappointing!!
-We didn't go kayaking that day, it was much to windy and some other people had got stranded really far away!!!

That was all for the first four days. Next post coming soon!

Friday, August 22, 2008

What I've been up to...

Emma and I with all her six babies, stroller, 'high seat', bouncy seat, and bike stroller.
Emma close-up
Baby sister, Lydia

Lately I've been going over to our Pastor's house, his wife just had a baby. (Her name is Lydia Grace.) Their toddler, Emma, is the same age I was when Selena was born! I went over twice this past week to help keep 'Em' entertained. We mainly play with babies and all their food. She has: 1. New baby- 2. 'No' baby- 3. Other baby- 4. Emma's baby- 5. another Emma's baby- 6. Funny eyes baby (it has those blinking eyes.) We have a lot of fun! Her baby sister adorable, isn't she? She was born August 11.

Also, do you remember that knitting I had started a long time ago? It had been sitting in my closet until recently when I picked it up again and finished it in almost a week, I think. Yes, it is rather long... but that's going to be handy for when it's really cold, I'll be able to wrap it all around my face!! (Almost, at least.)

Tomorrow we are leaving for Broadwater Lodge- we're going Up North with my dad's side of the family for a week. Last year we went for my Grandparent's 50th, and it was so much fun we wanted to do it again this year! There's limited internet access up there, so I won't be able to blog. :( Unlike my father who is in getting-ready-to-relax gear, I wanted to blog every day with pictures, but I can't. So just know why I haven't blogged for a week.
I'll be sure to blog at least two posts about our trip after. We'll be having a great time up there, no doubt about that! See you in about a week!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Irish Fair 2008!!

talking before the show... Izzy and Miranda before their tv spot
the corda mor dancers take over the football field
After the Friday night show with Aunt Jan
Q: why does teacher have the football? A: the boys were being distracted with it so she took it away.

We had a great time at Irish fair! We did one full show Friday night and our school did two numbers in the showcase later that night. We were only in one of the numbers. It was me & Sese's first time wearing out solo dresses for a show! It was so fun! We did three shows on Saturday, but Izzy & Miranda did four counting their TV Spot. Lots of family came. (Thank you all for coming!) It was terribly hot in Solo dresses but there was a lot of shade in the tent where the dance stage was thankfully! We had a great time hanging out with friends in between shows. It was a great weekend!! Check the corda mor website gallery soon for more pictures!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Nordic Fest

Main Street of Decorah
At the chick hatchery
Sese and a chick
Norwegian folding chair ( I didn't make that up! there was a sign!)
After the performance

We had a great time at Nordic Fest! My cousin Elliot was one of the Nordic dancers, this was his last year doing it so we came to see his last performance! He's been doing it for 10 years.
It was terribly hot until some clouds came, that was really nice. We bought some stuff at the Decorah shops, and had fun looking at the chicks in the Decorah chick hatchery! There was a lot of good music and a LOT of GOOD lefse!! Uffda!
(P.S.: inappropriately, Selena wore an 'Irish' shirt! Good Grief!!)