Lately I've been going over to our Pastor's house, his wife just had a baby. (Her name is Lydia Grace.) Their toddler, Emma, is the same age I was when Selena was born! I went over twice this past week to help keep 'Em' entertained. We mainly play with babies and all their food. She has: 1. New baby- 2. 'No' baby- 3. Other baby- 4. Emma's baby- 5. another Emma's baby- 6. Funny eyes baby (it has those blinking eyes.) We have a lot of fun! Her baby sister adorable, isn't she? She was born August 11.
Also, do you remember that knitting I had started a long time ago? It had been sitting in my closet until recently when I picked it up again and finished it in almost a week, I think. Yes, it is rather long... but that's going to be handy for when it's really cold, I'll be able to wrap it all around my face!! (Almost, at least.)
Tomorrow we are leaving for Broadwater Lodge- we're going Up North with my dad's side of the family for a week. Last year we went for my Grandparent's 50th, and it was so much fun we wanted to do it again this year! There's limited internet access up there, so I won't be able to blog. :( Unlike my father who is in getting-ready-to-relax gear, I wanted to blog every day with pictures, but I can't. So just know why I haven't blogged for a week.
I'll be sure to blog at least two posts about our trip after. We'll be having a great time up there, no doubt about that! See you in about a week!