WOW! It's been a really long time since I've blogged! Since last post, we've had Auntie Liz from CA, an adventure right before MN feis, and a lot of room changing-around. I'll start with
Thursday, the 25th of Sep.: I wake up in the morning feeling sick. I was in bed with some kind of flu and tummyache for the whole day.
Friday, the 26th: My stomach didn't feel much better. I was really worried I wouldn't be able to dance. Also Grandma and Grandpa (and Rooky the Big Brown Dog) came to stay overnight and see a little bit of the dancing next day. (Rooky did not come. He stayed in the car.)
Saturday, the 27th: DAY OF THE FEIS!!! I felt a little better but still pretty rotten! I didn't put on my wig, I just got dressed. Mama said that I didn't have to go if I really didn't want to, but I did want to so I did. We got there and seeing friends and being around people perked me up a lot. After a while I lost my dizziness and most of my 'ache, so mom put my wig on. Reel and Slip Jig (softshoe) felt too jiggly-joggly, but I did Light Jig for a warm up, and rested...then Daddy told me I got 1st in Jig so I went and collected my trophy (they had trophies for Prizewinner at this feis), and kept resting until Treble Jig. So I did that...and rested...and when I was dressed and ready for Hornpipe (the one I needed to qualify in!), Daddy told me I got 1st in Treble Jig! So that encouraged me a little to do well in my next dance. I got some last minute advice from my teacher...and then I was up! I was one of the first two to dance (I went with an O'Shea girl, Meghan), and I did everything Fauna (teacher) told me to! I turned out and was so 'mad at the floor'/loud, after I was done my legs just felt like rubber, and my mouth was all dry!! It was kind of strange because when you were on the stage, the sounds were kind of shriller than a ways away, so I was a little surprised when my other teacher (Cassie) said that it was amazingly loud (louder than I had ever been--'loud' is one of my weaknesses in Hardshoe. =))! Well, I got out of my dress, and went to collect my Treble Jig trophy. I hadn't checked Hornpipe yet because it was the very end of the day and practically everyone was at the results. But as I was nearing the line to get medals/trophies, Sese (who I guess is very small and can fit into tight places-you had to be to fit in that crowd) came running. "YOU QUALIFIED! YOU QUALIFIED!!" I was jumping up and down!! Those were some of the best most exciting words I had ever heard! I ran to Fauna and Cassie, they were so happy!! So we are officially going. Sese has been officially invited, and I have officially qualified. So we are officially going to dance at the Oireachtas (A-rock-tus) this Thanksgiving weekend! I can't wait!
Here's all the results:
Light Jig 1st
Treble Jig 1st
Hornpipe 2nd (Meghan beat me! She's really good at Hornpipe.)
(sat out of Reel and Slip Jig)
Reel 1st
Light Jig 2nd
Slip Jig 2nd
Treble Jig 2nd
Hornpipe 2nd
Reel 1st
Light Jig 1st
Slip Jig 1st
Hornpipe 2nd
Reel 2nd
Light Jig 3rd
Slip Jig 3rd
Hornpipe 1st
Mama took our pictures at the park by our house about a week ago. The one of all of us is the 'cd cover'!
Whoever has been to our house, we've been seriously moving around! Sese and me (who had shared a room) wanted to have our own bedrooms, so I went downstairs to the 'office', Sese has Izzy & Meema's room, and they have our old room. I'll take some pictures and post them...
All for now! ~Sonja