Coming into our destination, Columbus, Ohio!

Going into Oireachtas Sunday Morning (by Escalator)

The "Treble Trio" Under 11s- after recall

After Award Ceremonies with Extremely Excellent Teachers

Sonja, Selena and Crystals
Our Oireachtas trip went extremely well! We stayed in LaCrosse Wednesday night and had thanksgiving Dinner with Granny and Grandpa. Thursday we traveled with them to Bloomington, Illinois and stayed overnight. We departed from granny & Grandpa and kept going to Columbus, Ohio, our destination, on Friday. There we crashed at our hotel…when we found it. We did a loop-de-loop around downtown before finding where we were. Saturday we got quite lost looking for a shopping mall. When we finally found it we went to Wal-Mart and Target. Then we went to the Hyatt (where the event was) and went shopping for a new wig for Sese. It’s very pretty! We watched a few of the group competitions and had a practice later that night, then got to bed early.
Sunday morning-the big day! We got our make up (Usually we don’t wear so much as we did this time, but the dancing was on big stages with big lights.) and wigs on, got the dresses, shoes and other things, and went to the Hyatt for our early morning warm up. After that and a few more makeup modifications (extremely pink blush), we all went to our first stage to get ready for our first round, the hardshoe round. I watched for a while (because I didn’t dance right away), warmed up with one of the teachers and then got backstage. I wasn’t really that nervous, but I did get really sweaty palms. Then I was on stage with the two other dancers (the same for Softshoe round but Set Dances go 1 at a time).
After the long three steps my mouth was as dry as sandpaper…but I thought I did really well and all of my teachers said I was really strong. Unfortunately, we missed Sese’s hardshoe round! A few people saw, thankfully. Then we went to our next stages for the softshoe round. Dad was doing something with Mom at Sese’s stage and I was dancing really soon so I had to run and get them. Mom was just mixed up, she thought Sese was # 15 and I was #22. (the wrong way around) So she ran back with me. I got dressed and ran backstage. I did just as good as a softshoe round, I guess. The floor was a little bit slippy, though, because it’s painted grey. (Why?) Everyone was able to see me, I guess. I think Sese went a little bit after me. I didn’t see it though.
After the two rounds, they announce the recall (the top best half of the group). If you get recalled you get to do your third round, the Set Dance. (You can do whatever set dance your teacher says. Mine is The Blue Eyed Rascal at Speed 109. There are others like Ace & Deuce, Three Sea Captains….) My recall was extremely late. I couldn’t stand the suspense, neither could Mama so we went out into the hall by our stuff. I was drinking some pop when some girls went running to the door. Finally it was starting.
You have to be very quiet during the recall so that people can hear the numbers they announce, if it is their dancers number or not. Mama and I ran into the room and just barely heard “-fteen.” Remember my number? I had made the recall!!!!!! So did the other two Under 11’s in our school, Maria and Quinn. We were in the hall and our other teacher called Fauna, who was with us. We had been so excited we had missed the Under 9 age group recall (Sese’s group). Cassie told Fauna that both the Under 9’s recalled! (Selena and Molly) Sese made such a surprised face. Then she stuck a few fingers in the side of her mouth. (BEWILDERED)
I got ready to do my set dance with Fauna. Then I did it! I’ve always done my set really strong but this was the strongest. After my wonderful Set we went to get our pictures professionally taken (there was a photo thing with the flash umbrellas and everything). They haven’t arrived yet…..I will surely post pictures of the pictures when they get here. Sese went and did her Set (all the teachers watched and said she did everything they practiced. Then we waited for a while and RESTED. And waited for Awards Ceremonies later that afternoon.
We went to the stage where they were (the biggest one that had bleachers on 3 sides of it) but they were still doing the Under 12 Set dances. We waited and waited and waited and waited with our friends……….But finally they started. But first they announced some of the VIP’s….and then they did the Traditional Set Competitions (where you just do one dance and just get a medal)…….but then they finally started with the Boys Under 8. Then the Girls Under 8. We had two dancers who got recalled in this group! (10th and 24th place.) Then the Boys Under 9. (Molly and Selena got their solo dresses on.) Then the Girls Under 9. Now how they do this is: they call up the top ten dancers, who don’t know their placements, just that they’re in the top ten, and then they start with last place and go up. Both Under 9’s held out for a long time! And “In 33rd place from the Corda Mor school, Selena Munson!” (then you go on stage take your crystal box and stand where you’re supposed to.) Everyone in the Corda Mor corner was cheering. Then “In 31st place from the Corda Mor school, Molly Hennessy!”
Then they came off stage and pictures happened….. I was already dressed because next was the Under 11 Boys. (Under 10’s were on another day.) I ran backstage. I was holding my breath when they started announcing. I wasn’t in the top ten (it was my first Oireachtas, for Heaven’s Sake), and I wasn’t in the Forties…..”In 37th place from the Corda Mor School competitor number 15, Sonja Munson!” That’s pretty good for your first Oireachtas!!
After taking pictures with our Crystal boxes, we went back to the Corda Mor Practice room, took off dresses and wigs, had a few more pictures…and went back to the hotel. And ordered a pizza. And watched Food Network.