Selena: 3rd place in everything except Softshoe, she tied for 1st!
Maria, Me & Quinn, trying on sunglasses....XD
Cecilia, Sonja, Quinn, Maria
Twins Treble Reel: Miranda tie for 5th, Izzy 2nd
We had a good day last Saturday. Selena placed 3rd in Hardshoe, 1st (tie) in Softshoe, 3rd in Set dance, and 3rd overall. :) I got 2nd in Softshoe, tie for 3rd in Hardshoe, 1st in Set, and 2nd Overall. Miranda got three seconds and a fourth, and Izzy got one third, two seconds, and one first, not counting their treble reel placements. It was Izzy's first time to wear Selena's old solo dress, as you can tell from the picture! More pics of my dress coming soon!