Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My school picture (edited by me...)

Here is a pic of me that I just edited on pixlr...I'm kind of obsessed with doing that right now :D

More updates about the oireachtas coming soon!!!


(Ps--click to see full size...)


Unknown said...

Hi Sonja! :)

I love that photo! You are very pretty! The editing looks so cool! :D

Gotta go,


Francesca Rescigno said...

Nice photo! You are so lucky that (being homeschooled) you get to have a photo taken outside! That's so awesome. Off subject: Can you take a picture of all your trophys and medals for Irish Dancing and post them on the blog? I really want to see them.

~ Francesca

Sonja said...

Francesca, sure, I could take a few pics of my trophies! are you into Irish dance?

Rachel said...

I think I have the same glasses as you! I don't know for sure bu they sure do look the same.

Francesca Rescigno said...

I don't do it myself but I think it's really cool!